Thursday 25 September 2014

My name is Hannah and I'm sixteen years old. Being at the age where the 'cool' thing to do is to dress up and go out, I thought it might be interesting to see what the story actually is, one layer deeper into the picture.

There is a huge amount of product being waved around these days. While makeup and face painting might not necessarily be a thing that has been introduced recently, there are a lot more chemical induced products these days that we seem so happy to splash around on our faces, bodys' and hair.
And it's not just the girls. While we slap fake tan on, pour on makeup, straighten our hair and intoxicate the rooms with hairspray, the boys are messing around with hairgels and powder.

One of the most common looks in young teenage girls is known as the "Ompaloompa" look. Tan layered on so thick it appears orange, hair so full of hairspray it's stiff, and pale, or 'nude' lips. over the past two years, lipsticks have made a rise in the fashion industry, with the likes of the Kardashian sisters being looked up to as the sport natural and dressy lipsticks

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